X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a superhero film based on the fictional Marvel Comics character Wolverine. The film is directed by Gavin Hood and stars Hugh Jackman as the title character. It is a prequel to the X-Men film trilogy, focusing on the mutant Wolverine and his time with Team X, before Wolverine's skeleton was bonded with the indestructible metal adamantium. The film has been shot mainly in Australia and New Zealand. The film will be released in most countries by May 1, 2009.
Set roughly twenty years before X-Men, the film will focus on Wolverine's violent past, and his early encounters with William Stryker (Danny Huston). The Weapon X program and his interactions with other mutants will be explored, including his relationship with his half-brother Sabretooth (Liev Schreiber).
Set roughly twenty years before X-Men, the film will focus on Wolverine's violent past, and his early encounters with William Stryker (Danny Huston). The Weapon X program and his interactions with other mutants will be explored, including his relationship with his half-brother Sabretooth (Liev Schreiber).